Go to my Winksite


What is it with this company?Dont answer customer emails.Im really nervous rite now.

Im fumed coz two separate order from Kitbag.com and Manchester United Megastore still not arrived.I know it takes time coz I lived in Malaysia,but at least reply my emails.

Im angry coz many item I ordered from Man Utd Direct handled also by Kitbag.com,havent arrived,same fate maybe. =(

What Colour am I?

The Ultimate Color Test

When you are at peace, you are:

Deeply stable

When you are moved to act, you are:

Giving and warm

When you are inspired, you are:

Spiritual and humble

When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:

Philosophical and expressive

Your life's purpose is:

To live a passionate life

You Are a Yellow Crayon

Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors.

You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius.

Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way.

While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme.

Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth.

Obama or McCain?

We Predict You Voted For Obama

We're 74% sure you voted for Obama.

You seem to fit the profile of a typical Obama voter.

We're not saying you should have (or shouldn't have) voted for him.

But if we had to place a bet, we'd guess you voted Obama this year.

Instant Article Wizard

Instant Article Wizard Review

Instant Article Wizard has recently been upgraded and the new version 2 is now available. I will not be comparing the versions other than to say that the new version has some major enhancements which makes this article writing software very powerful allowing the writer to compile articles in minutes.

Yeah, OK, it’s hard to sound unbiased when writing about something that’s so cool but I’ll keep this article on Instant Article Wizard 2 as factual as possible. If you’re not aware already, articles are really important, whether their displayed on your own website for content purposes making your site better for both humans and search engines. Articles are also really good for the purpose of syndicating the content to potentially thousands of article directories and ezines, with a backlink to your site which is good for link popularity, search engine ranking and traffic. So, without discussing it further, writing articles is really, really cool for your online efforts whatever their objective may be.

Notice the keywords, sub-topics and information it gathers. What you are about to discover will benefit you greatly. The problem has always been, writing articles takes time - a lot of time. Well researched and relevant content is crucial to your online success and Instant Article Wizard 2 dramatically reduces the time necessary on writing and researching articles reducing what could have taken 2-3 hours to 10-15 minutes. Plus, the information it gathers is highly targeted, automatically subdividing the gathered information into sub-topics as well as introductions and conclusions. I found this really cool as the articles were able to be written in more depth very easily. As well as the awesome time saving,

I found Instant Article Wizard 2 really easy to use. Simply add your article keywords and Instant Article Wizard 2 goes to work so within a very short while, you’ve suddenly gathered some great research on your article’s subject saving you the need to personally trawl through tons of information in order to gather data for writing your article. Finally, after you’ve finished creating your quality, content-rich article, you can save your gathered information as a project, and reload the info again anytime so you can write more articles on the same topic even quicker with the gathering of research already completed. As well as this, you can easily add new article keywords to gather information for, which gives your article even more diversity and depth. So in essence, Instant Article Wizard 2 is an article writing tool that helps you write quality articles whilst dramatically reducing the time required to gather the information and compile it in an easy and very effective manner. You can move information up and down, or easily drag-drop information to other categories, and you can even view the source page of the information gathered for even more control. This is not some inferior article generator. Instant Article Wizard 2 allows sophisticated article creation and gives you complete control at all times to interact with the information and create an article that is genuinely unique and of high quality. Now to state the obvious. Article writing is the first part of the equation in article marketing. And it is a huge and critical part that directly determines if your marketing efforts are a flop or a success.

The premise is that you write informational articles which are content rich and are of a high enough quality to have the potential to reach as many people online as possible. After all, if the quality is not there, your results will be limited, right? Would you still be reading this article if it was poorly written. And would you be completely stunned if I told you that this article was written with the assistance of Instant Article Wizard 2? In conclusion, Instant Article Wizard 2 is a very clever article writing program that produces awesome quality articles both easily and quickly. It gives you the capability of writing on any topic without any research and genuinely makes you sound like an expert in your chosen niche. Because of the great time savings, ease of use, speed of gathering quality information, and extremely reasonable price (only $67), I am compelled to give it a 10 out of 10.

Most importantly, your articles become unique so you have truly created a valuable piece of content for your online efforts. I wish you success with your article writing efforts using Instant Article Wizard 2 and I hope that I’ve convinced you to at least consider getting the software to help with all your article writing. For more information and some cool demo videos on Instant Article Wizard 2.

Saat jasad ditalkinkan...

Hari berganti hari,keadaanku semakin tenat.Tubuhku terkaku seperti mayat di
atas katil di salah sebuah hospital yang aku sendiri tidak tahu mengapa aku di tempatkan di sini.

Sebelum tu, yang aku ingat aku sedang memandu kereta ayah,lalu bertembung dengan lori balak.

Tapi selepas itu aku tidak ingat apa-apa.Pandanganku kabur.

Tidak dapat ku pastikan siapa orang-orang yang berada di sekelilingku.Aku terasa dada ku teramat

berat dan bahagian pinggangku sudah tidak berasa apa-apa lagi. Derita sungguh nafasku sesak. Tiba-tiba tanganku di pegang kuat.

"Mengucap sayang mengucap.... .Asyhaduallailah aillallah. ........" ucapan

itu dibisikkan ke telingaku di sertai dengan tangisan.Itu suara ibu manusia yang pernah mendodoikan daku semasa kecil,manusia yang pernah menyuapkan nasi ke dalam mulutku,manusia yang pernah memberi susunya serta yang pernah merotanku kerana degil.

"Bagaimana dengan keadaannya doktor?"Aku amati suara itu. Pasti itu suara abang.Mungkin abang baru sampai.
"Tenat",jawab doktor dengan ringkas.

"Itu 'kata doktor bang,jangan berserah kepada takdir
sahaja.. Kita perlu usaha".

Sudah seminggu aku terlantar di wad ini,kenapa baru sekarang abang menjengah? datang lah ke sini,aku ingin berbicara denganmu..datanglah... ..Tapi mataku....... ..semakin gelap.

Adakah aku sudah buta? Tidak!!!! Aku tidak mahu buta.Aku masih ingin melihat dunia ini.

"Sabarlah dik,banyak-banyak ingatkan Allah.

"Abangkah yang bersuara itu? Apa yang aku tanggung ini tidak semudah yang kau lafazkan,
abang.Tolonglah adikmu ini.Tolong bukakan mataku.

"Tekanan darahnya amat rendah". sayup sayap kedengaran suara doktor.Kedengaran juga ibu menangis teresak-esak. Ibu,kau hanya mampu menangis saja.dan bila tiba saatnya,kita akan berpisah.

Tapi,ibu.... .aku tidak mahu berpisah denganmu. Tolonglah ibu,selamatkan lah daku.

"Yassin..... ."..bacaan yassin terngiyang-ngiyang di telingaku. Aku tahu itu suara abang.

Tetapi kenapa aku di perdengarkan dengan suara itu??? Apakah aku sudah menghampiri maut???????Aku takut!!!!!!! Sedetik lagi sakaratul maut datang.Sedetik lagi izrail datang. Sedetik lagi malaikat maut dtang.Aku di ambang sakaratul maut...... Aku semakin tegang dan semakin sendat nafas di dada.

Ketika itu,aku tidak ingat apa-apa lagi.Aku tidak kenal sesiapa di sekelilingku.

Tapi yang pastinya sekarang, aku berdepan dengan sakaratul maut.

"Tolong ibu tolonglah aku, aku takut".Tapi rintihan ku tidak di pedulikan.
Apa mereka semua sudah pekak?
Aku di lambung resah,gelisah dan penuh kesah.Keluhan dan rintihan.

"Panas,dahaga, haus,panas. .......". tapi tiada siapa pun yang peduli.

Nenekku datang,"Nenek. ......... ..".

"Kau dahaga cu,kau lapar cu,mahu air??Ini gelas penuh air madu,kalau
cucu mahu masuk syurga,minum air ini".

"Ibu......". Ibuku datang, Ibu menggoyangkan buah susunya.

" Ini ibumu.Air susu ini membesarkanmu, nak. Buangkan islam, matilah dalam agama yahudi....." .

Ayah.......kau datang ayah......." .

"Matilah dalam agama yahudi anakku. matilah dalam agama nasrani tulah agama yang membantu kau masuk ke syurga".

"Nenek....ibu. ....ayah. .....suara kau kah tadi??Kenapa kau berubahlaku? ?Atau suara syaitan yang ingin memurtadkan aku??

"Mengucap sayang, mengucap.Asyhaduall ailahaillallah. .. . . ..". Ucapan itu diajukan sekali lagi ke telingaku.Itu suara ibu.Tapi lidahku sudah menjadi kelu..

Manusia-manusia berjubah hitam datang."Mari ikut kami".

Manusia-manusia berjubah hijau datang membawa bersamanya payung

hijau,katanya "Mari ikut kami"..

cahaya putih datang. datang kilatan hitam. Datang sinaran kuning. Cahaya merah datang

"Apa ini,apa ini?.Akulah sakaratul maut........ !!!!!!".

Kedinginan menjalar,merayap perlahan-lahan dari hujung kaki ke hujung rambut dan kini seluruh jasadku di selimuti sejuk. dan kemudian datanglah malaikat maut di hujung kepalaku.

"Hai jiwa yang keji,keluarlah dari kemurkaan Allah....... "..

Aku tersentak.Roh ku berselerak di dalam tubuhku.
Lalu,i nnalillahiwainnail aihirajiuun. ...Malaikat-malaikat yang menunggu sesayup mata memandang dan
menghemburlah bangkai yang sebusuk-busuknya.

Tiba-tiba bau busuk menusuk ke hidungku,seperti bau sampah yang amat busuk.

"Apa yang busuk ni?Tak adakah orang yang mengangkat sampah
hari ini?Ah,busuknya, hanyirnya, hancingnya. ......".

"Assalamualaikum. .....".

"Siapa yang memberi salam itu?".


"Kau siapa wahai pemuda???".

Seorang lelaki tercegat di hadapan katilku. Aku tidak pernah melihat orang yang sehodoh,sekotor, dan sebusuknya di dunia ini. rambutnya yang tidak terurus,baju yang di pakai berlumut hijau,kuning, coklat dan
entah apa-apa warna lagi,dari lubang hidung,telinganya dan mulutnya terdapat nanah dan darah pekat keluar.Tanpa di pedulikannya. .....jijik,loya,aku rasa........ teramat loya melihatnya.

"Kau tak kenal aku?".

"Tidak,jawabku tegas.

"Mana mungkin aku kenal kau sehodoh dan sejijik ini".

"Aku sahabatmu,kau yang membuat aku hari-hari".

"Bohong!".Aku menjerit sekuat hati. Biar semua penghuni wad ini
mendengarnya. .

"Aku tak kenal engkau!Lebih baik kau pergi dari sini"..
"Akulah amalanmu yang keji........ ..".

Aku terdiam. Aku tidak mampu berkata apa-apa lagi. Ya ! aku teringat kini,semuanya telah pernah ku dengar dan ku pelajari dulu. Segala dosa dan keburukan yang kita lakukan di dunia,akan di jelmakan dalam
sebagai suatu makhluk yang teramat hodoh di hadapan kita di alam barzakh nanti.

Oh!Tuhan,aku banyak dosa. Aku memang lalai,cuai dan lupa dengan segala nikmat

yang telah kau kurniakan. Solatku kerana kawan,dan bukannya ikhlas kerana

Allah.Pergaulanku bebas,tak kenal muhrim ataupun tidak. tapi itu semua telah
berlalu dan dan sudah terlambat untuk bertaubat.

Apa yang aku harus lakukan!!!!!

Surah yassin yang abang pegang di letakkan di atas dahiku. Aku melihat kaklong dan kak ngah menangis.Aku juga lihat mata abah bengkak.Tiba-tiba badanku di sirami air.

Air apa ini?????

"Tolong....sejuk! !!!Kenapa air ini berbau air kapur barus.
"Tolong jangan tekan perutku dengan kuat,sakit!! !!Kenapa ramai orang melihat aku???Aku malu......malu. .....malu. .....!!!! !!".

Aku di usung ke suatu ruang.Aku lihat kain putih dibentangkan.Lalu diletakkannya aku di atas kain putih itu.

kapas di bubuh di celah-celah badanku.Lalu aku di bungkus satu demi satu dengan kain itu..

"Nanti,tunggu! !jangan bungkus aku. Kenapa kalian semua buat aku

macam ini?Tolong rimas.....panas. .......".Kemudian aku di letakkan di suatu sudut.

Beberapa orang termasuk tok imam menyembahyangkanku. Kelihatan ayah dan abang berada di saf yang

pertama. Tapi kenapa aku di sembahyangkan? Bukan kah aku boleh sembahyang
sendiri? Aku teringat kata-kata ustazku dahulu.

"Sembahyanglah kamu sebelum kamu disembahyangkan" .Dan kini baru aku sedar aku sudah tidak mampu lagi untuk mengangkat takbir,ruku' ,sujud dan tahiyyat.

Aku di angkat perlahan-lahan kemudian di letakkan di dalam kotak kayu. Kotak apa ini?"Aku di usung oleh enam orang termasuk ayah dan abang.Aku diusung setapak demi setapak".

"Al-Fatihah! "Keengaran suara tok imam. Kelihatan ibu,kak long,kak ngah
dan lain-lain mengekori di belakang.tapi kemana dia bawanya aku?".

Nun jauh di sana ,kelihatan tanah perkuburan kampungku.

"Ke situkah aku dibawanya?Tolong turunkan aku,aku takut!!!!!!" .

Setibanya di tanah perkuburan,kelihata n satu liang yang besaiz dengan

jasadku. Beberapa tangan memegangku,dan aku di turunkan ke dalam
liang itu.

"Perlahan-lahan" ,aku terdengar suara tok imam memberitahu.

"Tolong keluarkan aku dari sini!Aku seram!!!".

Kini aku berada di dalam liang sedalam enam kaki..Sedikit demi sedikit pasir dan tanah menutupiku.

"Tanah apa ini?".

"Aduh sakitnya badanku di timbusi tanah".

"Innalillahiwa innailaihi rajiuuun.... ...Dari Allah kita datang,dan kepada Allah jualah kita kembali".

Kedengaran bacaan talkin dari tok imam.

"Sesungguhnya mati itu benar alam barzakh itu benar,siratul mustaqim itu benar,syurga dan neraka itu jua
benar....... .".

Sayup sayap aku terdengar tok imam terus membaca talkin,tetapi makin lama makin hilang.

Pandanganku makin lama,makin kabur dan terus tidak kelihatan.

Tubuhku terasa telah di timbusi sedikit demi sedikit pasir dan tanah yang di lemparkan ke atasku.

Terasa semakin gelap dan......aku kini keseorangan. .

"Nanti!Nanti! Tolong!Tolong ayah,ibu!

Jangan tinggalkan aku seorang!

Aku takut!!!Gelap! !!Panas!! !Tolong!!!!....

oleh Copyright Controlled

How Much Does Life Insurance Cost

One of the best ways to know how much does life insurance cost is to go online and search for life quotes. Fill in the blanks on these sites that offer the services and within minutes you get the results. Buying how-much-does-life-insurance-cost-format you are getting high quality s
afety software and guaranteed program support by how much does life insurance cost llc. This is the easiest way to know how much does life insurance cost. There are many factors that will affect the price of getting insured.

All these factors are very important in determining how much does life insurance cost. And always remember your insurers can also determine the final cost of your coverage. And to understand the importance of knowing how much does life insurance cost is not that difficult because there are many internet websites where you can get life insurance quotes. You have to be reminded that these are only estimates and are not concrete or absolute data for you to solely rely on.

Many people take out life insurance policies to provide for their families financially in the event of their deaths. The policies could be used to replace income until families are able to get by on their own. You should consult with your financial advisor. You must also check the life insurance companies or insurers financial stability and ranking to ensure that you are purchasing from an institution that will be there for you when you need them. Do you know what your family would need financially if anything were to happen to you?

If your family needed to pay for funeral costs, and cover your outstanding debts could they do it? Millions more, like the Murphys, are underinsured—covered so thinly that a single catastrophic illness could wipe them out financially. Even Americans who are fully insured by an employer or Medicare are paying more out of pocket, largely because medical costs are skyrocketing.

It is also recommend you consult your attorney or financial advisor for professional legal, tax and financial planning advice.
If you are married and have children, life insurance can help replace the funds of one wage-earner that otherwise would have gone towards raising the children towards financial independence. Children themselves are not wage-earners and typically do not need life insurance, except where the costs of the child's death cannot otherwise be afforded. Life Insurance provides financial support when it's needed most, giving your loved ones financial security and freed
om to make choices about their future.

The right amount of Life Insurance differs from person to person. Instead, these ratings provide
valuable information about the financial strength of individual insurers. These numbers are compiled by independent, third party rating services, such as Standard & Poor's and A.M. Consult with your financial advisor regarding your particular financial situation. Specific issues may require consultation with your tax advisor or attorney. The answer is, look at everything you own–specifically at all your financial assets. All existing money, as well as all sources of future income, are factors you should consider. With the average cost of a one-year stay in a private room in a nursing home estimated at more than $76,000, not preparing for these potential costs can result in personal and financial burdens for family members.

Should you die during the term of the insurance, then your spouse will receive $100,000. It is as simple as that. Insured persons, including employees, annuitants, spouses and dependents, may apply to receive all or part of the value of their life insurance coverage while still living if they meet certain conditions. The minimum benefit that may be requested is $5,000 (or the whole value of the insurance, if less). It could be assumed that the surviving spouse will obtain a job at or before this time, but she could also become disabled or otherwise unable to work. If life insurance were bought for this period, the additional amount of insurance needed would be about $335,000.

If you are married and your spouse is not working, you probably need insurance. The primary purpose of life insurance is to replace the insured person's lost income in case of death. Ask your attorney whether the divorce settlement can include a provision for health insurance, especially if either spouse can provide it at a reasonable cost through group coverage.

Finally, you may need to purchase additional health coverage to protect yourself and your child(ren). If you have a family or a spouse, how much would they need to get by after you are no longer providing for them? Do you have enough money put aside for your funeral or to pay past debts?
These are very important determinant or factors when calculating how much your life insurance will cost you. Term insurance typically has lower initial premiums than whole life does. The coverage generally renews for an increased premium based on the attained age at renewal.

The mortality rates are determined by the government which also sets the maximum premium per $1000 of coverage that a company can charge. While companies set their own premiums within the government guidelines, virtually no company charges the highest allowable cost of insurance as they couldn't compete if they did.
A term life policy has lower premiums than a cash value policy of the same amount; however, it does not build up cash values that can be used in the future. However, please note the cost of insurance will increase with your age. Once the term is finished, the policy won't pay out.

Life insurance with investment elements, also known as endowments or with profits, aren't considered good value these days following a string of own goals and bad publicity.
Another important aspect in deciding your premiums is your health. People in good health almost always pay less than those who are unhealthy. You'll receive a full refund on any premiums you have paid if you have not made a claim. If you end up with an astronomical figure that requires a premium that is too high, go through the analysis again and select areas for which you think you can allocate less money.

For personal financial planning, life insurance can be of great value. There are some major areas of your financial plan that can benefit from a life insurance policy being apart of the overall plan. Premiums for cash-value policies are much higher. For example, the healthy 40-year-old man who pays $350 a year for a $500,000 term policy would pay about $3,000 a year for a $500,000 universal life policy - in part because a portion of that $3,000 is going into the investment component of the policy.

Mortgage or home loan is one of the biggest form indebtedness an individual or family carries in their life time. With the ever increasing mortgage rates, a lot of people take out home loans over longer terms.Mortgage investment payouts are suffering and many of them will see a shortfall.

Windows Vista Ultimate

The 10 ultimate reasons to get Windows Vista Ultimate on your new PC.

1. It’s the greatest Windows VistaTM operating system experience available.
Enjoy all the features Windows Vista has to offer. Windows Vista Ultimate combines the home and entertainment features and premium business features in one complete package. Never doubt that you have the right edition of Windows Vista, as Windows Vista Ultimate includes every feature from every edition.
2. Get ahead of the game.
Be the first to experience new Windows® software and services, made exclusively available through Windows Ultimate Extras.
3. Protect your data from the elements.
With Windows BitLocker™ Drive Encryption1, Windows Vista Ultimate protects your files in the event your mobile PC is ever lost or stolen. Windows Complete PC Backup and Restore can help prevent your data, programs, and settings from falling prey to hardware malfunctions or simple human error.
4. It’s multilingual.
Households that speak more than one language or those learning a new language can install multiple languages and switch between them as easily as logging on.
5. Instant Search.
It’s quick and easy to find anything on your PC and your network, regardless of location or format, including applications, Internet files, documents, media, contacts, calendar events, and e-mail messages.
6. Innovative navigational tools.
The Windows Aero™ user experience makes it easier to find and access recently used documents and programs.

7. TV on your PC. Sit back and enjoy your favourite television shows on your own time with Windows Media Center2. Use the built-in television guide and a compatible remote control to find, watch, record, and pause live TV on your PC or a TV screen.
8. The most advanced gaming
Enjoy richer gaming with vivid graphics, new casual games, and all the advanced features you need for hardcore gaming on a network.
9. Digital memories.
Burn your slideshows and home movies to a DVD with the DVD Burning Wizard and watch them on your PC or a DVD player whenever you like.
10. The ultimate value.
Get a PC preinstalled with Windows Vista Ultimate and receive additional value with Windows Ultimate Extras. Ultimate Extras are cutting-edge programs, innovative services, and unique publications that provide a richer computing experience exclusively for Windows Vista Ultimate operating system users.

Some product features are only available in certain Windows Vista editions and may require advanced or additional hardware and internet service (provider subscription or other service fees may apply).
For details, visit www.windowsvista.com

How Spyware Detection Software can Help You

Wan Firdaus

Installing spyware detection software can give you the protection that you need
from potentially threatening spyware. Spyware is a generic term for all software
programs that are installed on your computer without your knowledge or consent.
Spyware can track your online activities and collection important information
which can be used to change your computer’s configuration, tailor advertising
and send personal information to the wrong hands – all without you knowing.

The presence of spyware in your computer can make your computer run very
slowly or cause annoying pop-up ads to appear on your screen every so often
each time you browse a website. Spyware can also change the settings or home
page of your web browser, add unwanted components and make it difficult for
you to revert your setting back to the way they were.

It is very important to detect spyware on your computer. Not only can this help
boost your computer’s performance, but it can also protect your privacy as well.

There are a number of ways to detect spyware on your PC. You can install an
anti-spyware software program or use a spyware scanner on your computer. It may
be best to start with a free spyware cleaner since it can get rid of spyware that
currently running on your PC.

There are a lot of spyware detection software programs that you can download
for free or purchase. The Internet hosts a wide array of available spyware
detection software applications that can effectively detect and eliminate
spyware from your computer. Some examples of detection software include the
McAfee Virus Scan,Trend Micro AntiSpyware. This program comes with a user friendly anti-spyware module and is free to all university users. This is especially recommended for
those in the academy.

There is also the Windows Defender, a free detection
software program from Microsoft. Moreover, there are several third party
applications that you can find such as the Spybot Search and Destroy and Ad Aware.

Spyware detection software programs just might be your best line of defense
from spyware and other malicious content that causes potential havoc not just to
your computer’s operations but to your privacy as well.



It doesn't matter if you have the 20GB, 60GB, or even the new 80GB PlayStation 3--you can always use more storage space. All that available hard-disk space quickly disappears once you start downloading games, demos, and HD videos. Fortunately, Sony has designed the PS3 to allow console owners to perform their own hard-drive upgrades. You can go out and select your own hard drive instead of being forced to buy an official first-party hard-disk accessory. However, giving console owners that freedom means that aspiring upgraders will need to know how to select the right hard-drive upgrade and the proper installation technique.

The first step to replacing the hard disk is going to the store or visiting an online retailer to pick up a new hard disk. The PS3 is compatible with just about any 2.5-inch SATA notebook hard disk. Both 5400- and 7200-RPM drives should work fine. The physical size of the hard disk is important because it has to fit the PS3's 2.5-inch drive tray. As far as storage capacity goes, it doesn't make sense to go through the trouble of upgrading unless you go big: We're talkin' 120GB, 160GB, or even 250GB.

Hard-disk manufacturer Seagate supplied us with a 160GB Momentus 5400.3 for our upgrade.
Once you have your upgrade drive, the next step is to back up the data on your current PS3 hard drive to an external storage unit. You can skip this step if you aren't attached to your music, videos, and game saves, but most of us will probably want to save all that information. The PS3 has a built-in software backup utility that can copy the PS3's hard-drive contents to an external storage device, such as a USB thumb drive or a memory stick. The removable storage device must use the FAT32 file system in order for the PS3 to recognize it. If you have an external hard drive that's formatted in NTFS, you can use the Disk Management utility in Windows to reformat the drive, but you'll need to create partitions on large external hard drives because Windows can only do FAT32 on drives 32GB or smaller.

Save your data using the PS3's backup utility.
If your storage device isn't large enough to handle a full system backup, you can selectively copy data over through the various music, photo, and game menus in the XMB. Your PlayStation Network login and system settings will remain safe on the system during the entire process. After you have your data safely backed up, you can move on to the actual hard-drive swap.
You will need a Phillips-head screwdriver to complete this part of the installation process. The PS3 owner's manual also includes step-by-step details on how to replace the hard drive, in case you need more instructions.

Turn off and unplug the system. Remove the plastic HD side-panel, and remove the blue screw.

Open the metal latch, move the drive tray to the right, and slide out the drive.

Remove the four screws that hold the hard drive to the tray. Use a screwdriver that fits snugly because the screws are extremely tight and easy to strip.

Swap in the new drive, and replace the screws.

Put the drive tray back into the system and slide it into place. Then replace the blue screw and snap the side panel back onto the system.

Turn on the console and let the system format the new drive. Then load up the PS3 backup utility to restore data from your external storage device back onto the PS3 hard drive.
At this point you should have a newly upgraded PS3 and the leftover hard drive. You could try selling the old drive, but small-capacity used drives might not fetch enough money to be worth the hassle of finding a buyer. If you still want to make the drive useful, you can buy an external drive enclosure to make it into a portable storage device.
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